wow account transfer to different battlenet what do you lose

Frequently Asked Questions for the Paid Character Transfer Service in the Usa (North America and Oceanic realms).


  • 1 Oft Asked Questions
    • 1.ane Basic
      • one.i.i How do I transfer my character?
      • What if my grapheme's name is already taken on the destination realm?
      • Can I alter my character'due south race, faction, class, or appearance with a Character Transfer?
      • one.1.4 Can I transfer characters between accounts?
    • 1.ii Eligibility & Restrictions
      • 1.2.1 What are the eligibility requirements for the Character Transfer service?
        • Realm Restrictions:
        • Account-to-Business relationship Restrictions:
      • 1.2.2 Why would a specific realm not exist eligible to send or receive characters?
      • one.2.3 Who is eligible for business relationship-to-account transfers?
      • 1.ii.four Can I transfer characters betwixt regions?
      • 1.2.5 How can I check the status of my character transfer?
      • 1.2.half dozen Can I transfer dorsum?
    • i.3 Transfer & Grapheme Furnishings
      • ane.three.ane What will transfer with my character?
      • 1.3.2 What will not transfer with my character?
      • i.3.iii What happens to my pets and mounts if I transfer a character to some other business relationship?
      • one.3.four Will my raid IDs be reset when I transfer?
      • ane.3.v Can I transfer in club to earn a Realm First achievement?
  • two References
  • 3 Encounter likewise
  • 4 External links

Oftentimes Asked Questions

The Grapheme Transfer feature allows you to motility characters to other realms or accounts registered in your proper noun. This characteristic allows yous to alter servers on an already created character that meets the criteria. The cost of each paid character transfer is $25.00 USD per character plus tax in applicable areas.[ane]


How practice I transfer my character?

Character transfers tin exist performed through your Account Management folio.

  1. Log in to Business relationship Management.
  2. Select the World of Warcraft license that has the character yous want to transfer.
  3. Click Character & Guild Services on the lesser ribbon.
  4. Click Graphic symbol Transfer.
  5. Select your current realm and grapheme from the list on the right.
  6. Choose your destination realm or business relationship and follow the prompts to consummate the service.

Once a transfer has been started, the character will not be available to play until the process finishes. The estimated time for this transfer to be completed is provided when y'all entered beginning the service. Exercise not log into the character during the transfer. Though your grapheme may appear available, please wait until y'all receive email notification that the character transfer is complete. If yous log in besides early, the transfer may fail and your character will be locked.

Note: For an boosted $30.00 y'all may likewise Faction Modify as role of your transfer service. Just check the box adjacent to I'd also like to alter my faction when you select your destination realm.

What if my character's name is already taken on the destination realm?

If your character's name is already taken, you lot volition exist prompted to rename your character. Recall that your character proper noun should follow our Naming Policy.

Can I alter my character's race, faction, course, or advent with a Character Transfer?

Your character'south race, faction, and advent cannot be inverse with the Character Transfer service unless you choose to undergo a Faction Alter at the aforementioned fourth dimension. Your graphic symbol'due south class cannot be changed.

Can I transfer characters betwixt accounts?

Y'all can transfer characters betwixt accounts registered in your name. To transfer a character betwixt accounts, you will need to specify the destination business relationship proper noun and answer the hush-hush question for the source account.

During an business relationship transfer your character's club affiliation and guild reputation will be lost, even if you remain on the same realm.

Eligibility & Restrictions

What are the eligibility requirements for the Grapheme Transfer service?

Earlier you lot tin can transfer a graphic symbol, all of the following must be true:

  • The grapheme must be at least level x. Death Knights must exist at least level 60.
  • Yous must use paypal or a battle.cyberspace balance to pay for the transaction.
  • The character must have been logged out of the game for at to the lowest degree twenty minutes before initiating the service.
  • An individual character may only be transferred once every 3 days.
  • The Graphic symbol Transfer service cannot exist used with Starter Edition accounts.
  • The graphic symbol may not accept active auctions or mail in their mailbox.
  • Order leader characters cannot transfer. Before you lot can transfer a order leader, you must transfer leadership to another fellow member or disband your guild. See our Order Services FAQ for information on transferring the entire guild.
  • Arena squad leader characters may not transfer. Before you can transfer an arena team leader, you must transfer leadership to some other member or disband the team.
  • The post-obit gilt limits apply to all characters. Characters to a higher place the limits on the following table are not eligible to transfer.
Level Max. Aureate
10-xxx 300g
31-50 one,000g
51-seventy 5,000g
71-80 20,000g
81-99 50,000g
100-109 250,000g
110+ one,000,000g
Realm Restrictions:
  • Certain realms may non be eligible transfer sources. If your character is on such a realm, information technology cannot be moved to another realm, though it can be moved to some other business relationship per the account restrictions below.
  • Sure realms may not be eligible transfer destinations. If your destination is such a realm, your graphic symbol cannot transfer there.
Account-to-Account Restrictions:
  • You must be the registered user on both accounts.
  • Characters cannot be transferred to or from a suspended, disabled, or closed account. Accounts that are unpaid and frozen are able to use the Graphic symbol Transfer service unremarkably.
  • Characters cannot transfer to a lower expansion level license. For example, you cannot transfer a Calamity graphic symbol to a Wrath of the Lich King business relationship.

Why would a specific realm not be eligible to send or receive characters?

A realm may not be eligible as a Character Transfer source or destination for several reasons, including:

  • The realm is over or under populated.
  • The realm has not been agile for a sufficient period of fourth dimension.
  • Nosotros may be reviewing the realm every bit a complimentary character migration source or destination.

Who is eligible for account-to-account transfers?

Characters may be but transfer between accounts registered to the aforementioned user. You must besides answer the secret question of the source account to complete a business relationship-to-account transfer.

Can I transfer characters betwixt regions?

Characters can only be transferred between realms and accounts in the same region.

How can I check the status of my character transfer?

  1. Log into your Account Management page and select the license that initiated the graphic symbol transfer.
  2. Click Graphic symbol Transfer under Graphic symbol Services on the bottom ribbon.
  3. Click History/Status along the top of the Character Transfer page to view your transfer status and history.

Tin I transfer back?

A completed transfer cannot exist reversed. If you want to motility your graphic symbol again, you may complete another character transfer three days after the terminal one completed.

Transfer & Grapheme Effects

What will transfer with my character?

  • The contents of your graphic symbol'southward bags, banking concern, and void storage
  • Your character'southward currencies including gilt, honor, justice, valor, and conquest
  • Your graphic symbol'southward achievements and accomplishment points (including account-broad achievements)
  • Your grapheme'southward hidden ratings (MMR, BG Rating, etc)

What will not transfer with my character?

  • Business relationship-wide pets and mounts remain with the original Battle.internet account.
  • Club affiliation does not transfer (unless you perform a Guild Master Realm Transfer).

Note: The Detail Restoration service cannot restore any items a grapheme deleted, vendored, or disenchanted prior to performing a transfer. Be certain to complete detail recovery before transferring.

What happens to my pets and mounts if I transfer a character to another account? account-broad pets and mounts volition remain on the original Boxing.cyberspace account. Characters transferred off a account will lose access to that Battle.cyberspace account'due south business relationship-wide pets and mounts, but will gain access to whatever pets and mounts are on the destination account.

Note: Character-specific mounts such as the Warlock Dreadsteed, Paladin Charger, and Gladiator mounts will transfer with the grapheme.

Will my raid IDs be reset when I transfer?

Your character will go on any raid progress made before in the week during the transfer. If you transfer a character, it will not exist possible to go on any heroic instances that your participated in on you lot original realm or account.

Tin I transfer in order to earn a Realm Start accomplishment?

If you lot use the Character Transfer to motility a character across realms or across accounts, that character will non exist eligible for any Realm First achievements until 60 days have passed. In one case 60 days have passed since the graphic symbol transfer, the character will be eligible again for Realm First achievements.


  1. ^ Character Transfer FAQ (Article ID: 200474). Support (United states) (2013-02-04).

Run into also

  • Guild leader realm transfer service
  • Item Restoration service
  • Paid character transfer service

External links


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