They Told Me It Was Funny Maybe It Is

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Shile (Hazard's Version) RL sucks on semi hiatus
Audiobook - 5+++stars

Story - 4.5 stars

I saw it was J.F Harding narrating this book and all my Gaaaahhz came out. His voice is so good. 🤗 Please let him be the voice of Theo and Auggie until the end.

Starting this story I didn't know what to expect and I was blown away. This was really good and enjoyable from the first chapter. The writing is so good as usual. I love Greg's characters, they feel so real, warm and raw. It's like meeting new friends and coming home.

Our Mcs:
Theo the Professor- Gaaa

Audiobook - 5+++stars

Story - 4.5 stars

I saw it was J.F Harding narrating this book and all my Gaaaahhz came out. His voice is so good. 🤗 Please let him be the voice of Theo and Auggie until the end.

Starting this story I didn't know what to expect and I was blown away. This was really good and enjoyable from the first chapter. The writing is so good as usual. I love Greg's characters, they feel so real, warm and raw. It's like meeting new friends and coming home.

Our Mcs:
Theo the Professor- Gaaah I have found another book boyfriend, he is such an amazing character, well written, fleshed out and so real. I felt his pain, the way he is hanging on just trying to survive picking up himself after the death of his husband. 😭 I loved that he is a nerd too. Clearly my kind of guy.

Auggie the Influencer - Auggie is your typical 18 year old. I freaking loved him too. He is adorable and annoying at the same time. I loved the way he interacted with Theo, he is funny, jumpy and makes some good vlogs.

I guess this is going to be a slow burn. Good thing the chemistry between these two is off the charts. Their banter and conversations are engaging and interesting, I am looking forward to many more.

The mystery part was scary and interesting. I was afraid on behalf of Theo and Auggie. Those Ozark volunteers are scary. Detective Somerset. 😍Whoop.. Whoop.😍 I am so excited this is set in the same town as Hazard and Somerset series. I hope to see Hazard in the near future. 🤞🏾

The side characters are well written and compliment the MCs nicely, even weird Orlando. Yaap, I kinda liked him.

I had a good time with this book. My last book of 2020 and it didn't disappoint.

A copy of the audiobook was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Optimist ♰King's Wench♰
i'm somewhere between 3 and 4 ⭐️ on the latest slow burn from this author.

i own my obsession with Hazard and Somers so maybe i'm prone to seeing similarities that aren't necessarily there but Theo has a tendency to drink to excess, make an ass of himself whilst 3 sheets to the wind and doesn't take responsibility for his asshattery like a certain tattooed police officer we all know and love. granted, Theo has suffered a terrible tragedy the likes of which would level most. a fact i kept remindin

i'm somewhere between 3 and 4 ⭐️ on the latest slow burn from this author.

i own my obsession with Hazard and Somers so maybe i'm prone to seeing similarities that aren't necessarily there but Theo has a tendency to drink to excess, make an ass of himself whilst 3 sheets to the wind and doesn't take responsibility for his asshattery like a certain tattooed police officer we all know and love. granted, Theo has suffered a terrible tragedy the likes of which would level most. a fact i kept reminding myself of whenever he slipped into asshattery.

Auggie, on the other hand, is very clever for his age, hot as all get out and witty beyond his years which made the banter between them reminiscent of a couple of beloved knuckleheads at times.

like i said, could be i'm seeing shadows but there seemed to be numerous parallels. though that's not necessarily a bad thing. both Theo and Auggie grew on me and the mystery storyline held my interest especially when characters from H&S Wahredua showed up. so i will definitely be continuing with this series.

i'm just hoping i don't get murdered by the slow burn.

Dec 29, 2020 rated it really liked it
Before I made it through the first 30 minutes of this audio, I knew Gregory Ashe was going to do it to me again, in the "why the hell do I keep doing this to myself?" kind of way. I guess because I'm addicted to fantastically plotted, well written, brutal crime fiction with complicated, broken men who frustates me equally much as they make me love them? 🤷‍♀️ *considers* Nope, not my fault, I'm still blaming Ashe.

Theo is a grad student who is suffering the loss of his husband and daughter in an a

Before I made it through the first 30 minutes of this audio, I knew Gregory Ashe was going to do it to me again, in the "why the hell do I keep doing this to myself?" kind of way. I guess because I'm addicted to fantastically plotted, well written, brutal crime fiction with complicated, broken men who frustates me equally much as they make me love them? 🤷‍♀️ *considers* Nope, not my fault, I'm still blaming Ashe.

Theo is a grad student who is suffering the loss of his husband and daughter in an accident that left him with painful injuries, and not just the physical kind. He spends a lot of his time in an insulated fog of prescription drugs or *and sometimes both* alcohol, and lives with deliberate carelessness. His only saving grace is teaching in his grad program, which he actually enjoys, and gives him his one bright spot of normalcy.

Auggie is an eighteen year old internet personality and has a presence on all the major social media platforms. He has a business plan to grow his brand and make money hand over fist, and he's well on his way to that. His whole life consists of Instagram moments and YouTube videos, at least the ones he scripts and performs. A terrible incident off-script and a bad breakup derails his plans for a while so Auggie decides college at Wroxall in Wahredua, MO will get his image back on track. Nobody, literally nobody, knows the real Auggie, only the image he lets them see. And the real Auggie is really kind of lonely. He gets so damn tired of the character he's forced to play that the pressure builds up until it pops. And bad shit happens.

Auggie ends up in Theo's class and neither is impressed with the other, particularly since they meet before that in less than ideal circumstances. Since this is Wahredua, which we already know is populated with more than its fair share of shady people, those not-ideal circumstances end up pulling them both into a murder investigation. Worse, it makes both of them the focus of really dangerous people who think Auggie and Theo have something they want.

Theo and Auggie have to work together, much against Theo's will. There's an attraction there, but Auggie is an eighteen year old and Theo is not going to go there, even if his head and his heart were in the place to do it. But things get tangled up, and that includes their kind-of friendship. Not gonna lie, sometimes Theo is an asshole, and both he and Auggie make some of the shittiest decisions ever. But under all the issues, they're good guys and they need each other, I think. By the time the case is resolved, and both of them come close to not making it out, Auggie and Theo have a bond between them. Not the one Auggie wants, but they care about each other, and friends is what they'll have.

Do I need to suspend belief a little bit? Well yeah. Did I care? Not at all. Auggie's very young and Theo is a twenty-eight year old grad student, neither are detectives. But they are smart *and motivated* and that's part of GA's magic pen, that he makes you believe it. I honestly want to run right to the next one but I already know what Ashe is going to do to me for however many books. (view spoiler)[And I'm just not ready to watch them have romantic relationships with other people. *looks sourly at GA* Yeah yeah, I know it's realistic and Auggie's only 18 and Theo's not a monk and both are trying to heal. I'm still going to grind my teeth through every damn minute of it. Dammit. 😒 (hide spoiler)] So I need a break.

(view spoiler)[And can I say how much I enjoyed seeing pre-Hazard Detective John-Henry Somerset? 🥰 Even though his part was small, he's still Somers. *sigh* (hide spoiler)]

On the side of the audiobook, no lie, I actually squeed when I saw the narrator was J.F. Harding, and he did not disappoint! ❤ His performance was part of the reason I loved Theo and Auggie so much and he had the personalities and uncertainties down for both perfectly. I'm crossing my fingers we get him for the whole series. I don't know if I'll be able to wait for the audio on Yet a Stranger *coughI already own the kindlecough* but you best believe that I'll be listening to it whether it's a first read or reread, either way!

Disclaimer: A copy of the audiobook was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Aug 18, 2020 rated it really liked it
I read this as a serial that was released daily to newsletter subscribers. It came during the early stages of the pandemic and it was the perfect, soothing balm, giving me a daily boost of happiness. With Theo and Auggie, we get a grumpy vs sunshine and two damaged souls. I loved it. In true Gregory Ashe fashion, settle in for a sloth slow burn. Things are nowhere near a happily ever after or even a happily for now by the end. I'll write an actual review later when this is released and I can rer I read this as a serial that was released daily to newsletter subscribers. It came during the early stages of the pandemic and it was the perfect, soothing balm, giving me a daily boost of happiness. With Theo and Auggie, we get a grumpy vs sunshine and two damaged souls. I loved it. In true Gregory Ashe fashion, settle in for a sloth slow burn. Things are nowhere near a happily ever after or even a happily for now by the end. I'll write an actual review later when this is released and I can reread it in novel form.

P.S.-Hello (view spoiler)[ young Detective Somerset. (hide spoiler)] 😉

Perfect marriage of story & narrator

I read this when the author released it as daily chapters, serial style. I remember liking it a lot but this time around? I loved it. ❤️❤️ I'm sure prepublication the author polished up the writing and sharpened some plot points which really makes the narrative shine but what put me over the moon, aside from the characters & their journey, is the audio narration by J.F. Harding. Perfection.

This isn't a story that will satisfy romance purists as it doesn't end

Perfect marriage of story & narrator

I read this when the author released it as daily chapters, serial style. I remember liking it a lot but this time around? I loved it. ❤️❤️ I'm sure prepublication the author polished up the writing and sharpened some plot points which really makes the narrative shine but what put me over the moon, aside from the characters & their journey, is the audio narration by J.F. Harding. Perfection.

This isn't a story that will satisfy romance purists as it doesn't end in a HEA or even a HFN. In fact there isn't even sex! But it was perfect. The story is a combination of a modern NA (Auggie) and loss (Theo). The rest is a mystery for our MC to solve while being visited by a not insignificant amount of grief.

Auggie Lopez is that utterly recognizable young person. He's 18 and trying to make it in the cutthroat world of Instagram and sundry social media platforms. He's come to college in Missouri to stay out of trouble, grow his brand, and hopefully score big endorsements. Needless to say Gregory Ashe has other plans for him such as figuring out who he is, dealing with a fraught family background, and crossing paths with Theo Stratford.

Theo is graduate student instructor at Auggie's school. At the opening of the book he's still physically & emotionally reeling from the car accident that took away his husband and, in a sense, their daughter. Ten years and a cultural chasm separate Auggie & Theo and yet ... they make absolute sense together. Even if that togetherness won't happen anytime soon. Besides the physical attraction these two compliment each other in all the ways that matter and I can see how that will grow and deepen as the series progresses. In the meantime all that can reasonably happen in the time span of the book does. I was satisfied.

The story takes place in the same fictional town of Wahredua of the Hazard & Somerset series, and though chronologically it takes place before, I'd recommend reading it after at least the first arc in that series. You'll get spoilers you don't want and when you do get around to it you'll get a peek at brand spanking new Det. John-Henry Somerset.

Needless to say I'm already reading/listening to the next book because GA has the key to my inner masochist.

I've given this an A for both narration and content at AudioGals

Anyone who follows my reviews already knows I'm a MASSIVE fan of Gregory Ashe's work, so it will come as no surprise whatsoever when I say that I did the happiest of dances when his latest audio release hit Audible. Book one in The First Quarto series, They Told Me I Was Everything is a compelling blend of intricately plotted mystery and slow-burn romance featuring complex, well-rounded and intensely likeable leads who are obvio

I've given this an A for both narration and content at AudioGals

Anyone who follows my reviews already knows I'm a MASSIVE fan of Gregory Ashe's work, so it will come as no surprise whatsoever when I say that I did the happiest of dances when his latest audio release hit Audible. Book one in The First Quarto series, They Told Me I Was Everything is a compelling blend of intricately plotted mystery and slow-burn romance featuring complex, well-rounded and intensely likeable leads who are obviously meant for one another but who have quite a bit of work to do in order to be together. (So no HEA in this book – but the UST and the genuine affection that grows between the leads is gorgeous and totally wonderful).

Wroxall College freshman Auggie Lopez is a social media star with tens of thousands of followers who, after a serious screw up at home in California, is determined to keep out of trouble, focus on building his brand and business, and looks forward to securing a lucrative sponsorship deal. His internet persona isn't who he really is, though; he's tired of continually hiding his true self, (and his sexuality) behind kooky, funny "Internet Auggie", and longs to be truly seen. On the Saturday night before the semester begins, Auggie goes to the Sigma Sigma pledge party, where he meets a fellow pledge named Robert; they get talking and Auggie, who is more than a little tipsy and a lot angry and frustrated with the need to keep playing a role, declares he wants to go "fuck some shit up". Robert steals a Porsche and with Auggie at the wheel, they hit the streets of Wahredua at high speed – and on the road out of town they only narrowly miss hitting a man wandering along the road by swerving off into a drainage ditch.

You can read the rest of this review at AudioGals .

May 14, 2021 rated it it was amazing
It was nice returning to Wahredha, Wroxall College and meeting Theo and Auggie.
I liked getting a glimpse of John Henry Somerset's life before Hazard returns and turns his World upside down. He did seem a bit sad and lonely.
Theo #like
Auggie #like
Fer, Auggie's brother #LOVE, whisper those sweet nothings in my ear. I could listen to his foul mouth all day long. It only makes you hotter, Fer.
Cart #hate. Get the hell out of Theos life and allow him some happiness.
It was nice returning to Wahredha, Wroxall College and meeting Theo and Auggie.
I liked getting a glimpse of John Henry Somerset's life before Hazard returns and turns his World upside down. He did seem a bit sad and lonely.
Theo #like
Auggie #like
Fer, Auggie's brother #LOVE, whisper those sweet nothings in my ear. I could listen to his foul mouth all day long. It only makes you hotter, Fer.
Cart #hate. Get the hell out of Theos life and allow him some happiness.
Dec 09, 2020 rated it really liked it
I put off reading this because the cover makes it look very YA and fluffy. Neither of which are my thing. I should have known better with this author though. This was angsty and emotional and all the other things I love about his work. Complicated characters going through really hard times. Brought together by a murder mystery. I really enjoyed this. It's going to be a SLOW burn so if that bugs you, you might want to wait till more books are out.

It's set in the same world as Hazard and Somerset

I put off reading this because the cover makes it look very YA and fluffy. Neither of which are my thing. I should have known better with this author though. This was angsty and emotional and all the other things I love about his work. Complicated characters going through really hard times. Brought together by a murder mystery. I really enjoyed this. It's going to be a SLOW burn so if that bugs you, you might want to wait till more books are out.

It's set in the same world as Hazard and Somerset but takes places a few years before. You'll see appearances by some of those characters including Somerset.

h o l l i s
Jul 03, 2021 rated it really liked it
So I went to the author's website in hopes of finding a suggested reading order because the dude is prolific and lo and behold it existed! So I've started with this one. And holy shit I was pulled in and invested almost from the first page.

I'm so close to giving it five stars but there were a few elements that felt a tiny bit unrealistic (I know, I know, I suspended so much disbelief already, why not go all the way.. can't explain it) but the writing? I loved. The characters? I loved more. I thi

So I went to the author's website in hopes of finding a suggested reading order because the dude is prolific and lo and behold it existed! So I've started with this one. And holy shit I was pulled in and invested almost from the first page.

I'm so close to giving it five stars but there were a few elements that felt a tiny bit unrealistic (I know, I know, I suspended so much disbelief already, why not go all the way.. can't explain it) but the writing? I loved. The characters? I loved more. I think I'm already obsessed.

I highly doubt I'll be putting together any real reviews for this binge (and I mean binge, I have a scribd trial going for some of these and I'll be switching to a KU trial, too, so, yes.. I mean business) but honestly I'm just here for a good time. A good time is long overdue.

4.5 stars

Lori¸¸¸.•*❀Ɍɛɑɗs̱LɪƙɛIʈs̱H̱ɛɍJɔɓ  유❤유
I am kind of surprised that I liked this one as much as I did, because it usually takes me a couple of books into Gregory Ashe's series to really start liking them. This was pretty good but it was not my favorite JF Harding narration, he was a bit dry and on the monotone side but still not bad.

I liked both MCs as well. Theo was in a bad way mentally and physically which was understandable. Auggie was a very typical 18 yo but smart and funny. His times of maturity and bravery were believable but

I am kind of surprised that I liked this one as much as I did, because it usually takes me a couple of books into Gregory Ashe's series to really start liking them. This was pretty good but it was not my favorite JF Harding narration, he was a bit dry and on the monotone side but still not bad.

I liked both MCs as well. Theo was in a bad way mentally and physically which was understandable. Auggie was a very typical 18 yo but smart and funny. His times of maturity and bravery were believable but the author still made him awkward at other times revealing his youthfulness.

The secondary characters were not one dimensional either. I felt bad for Orlando even though his actions were not okay, but once again, he was young and in lust and thought it equated with love.

Kart(?) was all over the place although I was waiting for him to reveal that (view spoiler)[there was more to his relationship with Ian, but so far that's not the case. (hide spoiler)]

I will definitely keep going because although they are definitely not in the same league as Hazard and Somerset, they are still good to read about.

suz ~Always Reading~
I wasn't sure about this at first, I did not like Auggie, I found him annoying. But, in true Gregory Ashe fashion, he wrote a complex character where there's more than meets the eye. Auggie is not my favorite character by far but I was able to get past my initial dislike. Theo was easier to like and I felt for him in his situation. I do love how Ashe writes these complex characters.

I love visiting Wahredua before the Hazard & Somerset books. We see Somers as a new detective with a different par

I wasn't sure about this at first, I did not like Auggie, I found him annoying. But, in true Gregory Ashe fashion, he wrote a complex character where there's more than meets the eye. Auggie is not my favorite character by far but I was able to get past my initial dislike. Theo was easier to like and I felt for him in his situation. I do love how Ashe writes these complex characters.

I love visiting Wahredua before the Hazard & Somerset books. We see Somers as a new detective with a different partner and we see the town and all the issues it has. Knowing what's to come with certain characters makes me know that things, in their own crazy way, work out, but I can't help but squirm in my seat and feel on edge. That's the joy of reading a Gregory Ashe book though!

I'm invested now in these characters and I'm already reading the next book. I have no decided also that I'd love reading a John-Henry Somerset story before Hazard that shows a day in his life working a case and dealing with his troubling personal life. I'd also love that from Hazard's POV too. I just want as much of these characters as possible!

Jul 02, 2021 rated it really liked it
This had been in my tbr for quite a while because I expected it to be a lengthy light young adult read which isn't usually what I mainly read. But wow, how wrong I was. This is one of those books that tells me not to judge a book by its cover.

Theo was a 28 yo grieving grad student/professor and Auggie was an 18yo freshman social media celebrity (i think that's what they are called, or was it influencer?) who was also the student of Theo. The 18yo thing was kind of bothering me more than the age

This had been in my tbr for quite a while because I expected it to be a lengthy light young adult read which isn't usually what I mainly read. But wow, how wrong I was. This is one of those books that tells me not to judge a book by its cover.

Theo was a 28 yo grieving grad student/professor and Auggie was an 18yo freshman social media celebrity (i think that's what they are called, or was it influencer?) who was also the student of Theo. The 18yo thing was kind of bothering me more than the age gap and student/teacher pairing (LOL?!). An incident brought Theo and Auggie together as victims of abuse and blackmail as well as suspicions for murder. They had to work together to uncover the truth and survive through the whole ordeal. I was very much engaged by the plot filled with mystery, action, pain and tension. This had me on edge the whole way and the ending was not something I expected.

Oct 13, 2020 rated it it was amazing
I gave They Told Me I Was Everything, The First Quarto an A at All About Romance.

I foolishly start every Ashe novel thinking he can't possibly top his last book. I finish each one and then decide it's my new favorite. They Told Me I Was Everything is another winner, and the slow burn romance between the principal characters is challenging and frustrating, and wonderful and lovely, too. Opposites attract when Theo Stratford, a college professor at Wroxall College (in Wahredua, Missouri – the set

I gave They Told Me I Was Everything, The First Quarto an A at All About Romance.

I foolishly start every Ashe novel thinking he can't possibly top his last book. I finish each one and then decide it's my new favorite. They Told Me I Was Everything is another winner, and the slow burn romance between the principal characters is challenging and frustrating, and wonderful and lovely, too. Opposites attract when Theo Stratford, a college professor at Wroxall College (in Wahredua, Missouri – the setting for the Hazard and Somerset books, and Auggie Lopez, a Wroxall freshman, get caught up in a murder investigation. The plot is complex and engrossing, and the evolving relationship between Theo and Auggie is… well, let's just say It's Complicated. And sweet. And totally worth your time and attention.

Auggie needs a fresh start. A social media influencer with a massive fan following, Auggie lives his life burying his true self (and his sexuality) in the hopes of one day scoring a lucrative sponsorship deal. When he arrives at Wroxall, Auggie is determined to put a messy past behind him, and focus on building his social media brand. TTMIWE kicks off after his older half-brother Fer helps move him into his dorm. He fills the time before the start of classes adding content to his various social media accounts, getting to know his roommate Orlando, and pledging and partying at the Sigma Sigma frat. Tired and angry from the need to constantly hide his true self, Auggie is sobering up outside the frat house after a party when another student – Robert – asks to bum a smoke. Confessing to Robert that he wants to go for a drive and "fuck some shit up," Robert steals a Porsche 911 and the pair hit the road. When their headlights pick up a man standing in the middle of the road, Auggie barely avoids hitting him by crashing into a drainage ditch. Scared and angry, he exits the car and starts screaming at the man. The man punches Auggie before Robert pulls him off – but the sound of sirens sends Robert running away. It's an abrupt return to the reality of the mess Auggie's made of his life. Again.

Injured in the car crash that killed his husband Ian and destroyed their family months before, Theo dulls his pain with alcohol and painkillers. Late Saturday night, he's exhausted – by his bus and bike commute (he's still afraid to get behind the wheel of his car), from prepping lectures, from dodging sympathetic colleagues, and long days of trying to figure out what the hell he was doing, he's taken a Percocet and even though he knows its stupid, is working his way through a four-pack of beer. He's lonely and tired and sad, and decides to go outside to escape his house. Disoriented, slightly drunk and dulled by the Percocet, he sees a car approaching him and then the sound of screeching brakes and a crash. He charges the first kid out of the car, the driver, and drops him with a punch, and then finds himself wrestling in the ditch with the passenger. Theo recognizes the second kid as Robert Poulson, who had come to his office earlier that week. Robert flees at the sound of sirens, leaving him with the young kid he punched. Already regretting the entire night, Theo is dismayed to also recognize the cop at his side – it's Howie Cartwright, his husband Ian's best friend on the force.

Auggie can't believe it when he realizes his professor is the stranger who lied to the police and told them it was Robert driving the wrecked Porsche. Theo is equally surprised and when he spots Auggie, he promptly points to the door and escorts him out of the room. Despite Theo's attempts to force him to drop the class, Auggie refuses. The pair return to the classroom; just as Auggie is about to turn off his phone, he clicks a new notification and watches a video that's just loaded. It shows Auggie driving the stolen Porsche and screaming obscenities, then it cuts to Auggie and Theo standing together on the road, and concludes with footage of a hooded man being dragged by his arms and screaming for help. When the video ends, the screen fades to black with you just saw a murder in stark white text.

Things go from bad to terrible when a panicked Auggie rushes back to his dorm only to find a stranger waiting for him. The stranger asks Auggie where he can find Robert, but when Auggie tells him he has no idea where Robert is, the man hits him. An increasingly desperate Auggie tries to convince him he doesn't really know Robert, but it only makes the man more violent. When he finally leaves – after Auggie offers to find Robert, Auggie knows he needs help. Aside from Robert, the only other person who knows what happened… is Theo. But before he can ask Theo for help…ha! That's all I'm saying! Let's just say Auggie meets up with a few more nasty strangers before he finally reaches Theo – who saves him, and from this inauspicious beginning the pair are drawn into a complicated web of intrigue and murder, forced to work together to stay alive. Trust me, you'll be glad I kept the details vague. Following along with Theo and Auggie as they 'work' the case and follow the clues is a pleasure in and of itself, and I don't want to spoil any of Ashe's clever plotting.

The murder investigation is only one part of what makes this book so addictive and entertaining. Aside from his superbly well written stories and clever, complex plots, the best part of any Ashe story is his principal characters, and TTMIWE is no exception. Ashe novels feature memorable, loveable, flawed men who struggle to find love and happiness – and he puts them (and us!) through the wringer as they find their way to a happily ever after. After the death of his husband, an emotionally and physically wrecked Theo can barely face the home he once shared with Ian, and his self-destructive behavior is only getting worse. Worried and well-meaning friends try and help him, but until he meets Auggie he's nearly given up on happiness. Auggie wakes him up, bringing light and joy (and humor and lust) whenever they're together. He's still a confused mess – but he finally sees a future outside of booze and pills. Meanwhile, Auggie has spent a lifetime hiding behind an "everything is great," persona and he's exhausted. He finally feels 'seen' by Theo, and doesn't hide who he is when they're together. They find comfort in their time together, despite the fact that other than troubling childhoods, they have little in common. Theo is an unapologetic luddite, while Auggie is a savvy social media star who tries to 'help' Theo with technology (using it to find many of the clues that help them solve the case). Some of the funniest, laugh out loud moments are those that showcase Theo trying (and failing) to keep up with Auggie on social media. I giggled my way through these parts.

Before I mislead you about this love story let me be clear. Theo and Auggie won't be in a romantic relationship anytime soon. This series has S-L-O-W burn written all over it, and if you can't stomach either man in a relationship with someone else on the road to happily ever after, this might not be the story for you. Both leads have a LOT of growing – and in Auggie's case, maturing – to do before they're ready to be together. Fortunately, this pairing promises to be one of Ashe's best. Theo and Auggie are absolutely meant to fall in love, and I can't wait to see how this talented author helps them find their way to a happily ever after.

TTMIWE has all the hallmarks of what makes Ashe such a terrific...

The rest of my DIK review of They Told Me I Was Everything, The First Quarto is here: All About Romance.

Dec 19, 2020 rated it it was amazing
I'm a huge fan of the Ashe, especially the Somerset and Hazard series. Usually what Ashe writes , I read. However nothing has ever been able to replace Hazard and Somerset for me it's just never quite as good. Having said that , I I think this is so far his best work. There's nothing , nothing I didn't like about this book, I want more Author and Theo!!
Aug 14, 2020 rated it it was amazing
This book was graciously sent by Gregory Ashe himself through newsletter emails, a chapter each day between April 14th & June 2nd. A little slice of happiness, and something to look forward to, during this pandemic.
Joyfully Jay
Oct 14, 2020 rated it really liked it
A Joyfully Jay review.

4.25 stars

They Told Me I Was Everything was originally released a chapter a day through author Gregory Ashe's newsletter as a serial story. It has now been published in novel format, so nothing new if you have read the original, but a great way to get it all in one book. And for new readers, now is your chance! I intended to read this when it was first coming out in Ashe's newsletter, but I couldn't keep up with it, so I was really excited to see that he was publishing it

A Joyfully Jay review.

4.25 stars

They Told Me I Was Everything was originally released a chapter a day through author Gregory Ashe's newsletter as a serial story. It has now been published in novel format, so nothing new if you have read the original, but a great way to get it all in one book. And for new readers, now is your chance! I intended to read this when it was first coming out in Ashe's newsletter, but I couldn't keep up with it, so I was really excited to see that he was publishing it in book form.

As always, Ashe does a nice job balancing the character development and the action, and Auggie and Theo are particularly interesting characters. Auggie is a social media star, and he is totally caught up in building his online brand. He is constantly taking pictures and documenting his life for public consumption. Many of his actions and public behavior are carefully calculated to be on brand (including not discussing his attraction to men), but that leaves him feeling hollow. There is this dichotomy between Internet Auggie and real Auggie that leaves him feeling like he is not really seen. It is a nice contrast with Theo, who is fairly anti-technology with no social media at all, and doesn't really understand anything about Auggie's online life.

Read Jay's review in its entirety here.

Sep 20, 2020 rated it it was amazing
This was originally published as a daily serial to the author's newsletter subscribers - and I can't wait to read it all over again and for the continuation of Theo and Auggie's story. Plus bonus points for a sighting of (view spoiler)[Baby!Somers! (hide spoiler)] This was originally published as a daily serial to the author's newsletter subscribers - and I can't wait to read it all over again and for the continuation of Theo and Auggie's story. Plus bonus points for a sighting of (view spoiler)[Baby!Somers! (hide spoiler)] ...more
Jan 30, 2021 rated it did not like it
1.3 stars. I really dislike Auggie. I have read 5 other GA books (rating them with an average of 1.5 stars), and after this one, I've come to the conclusion that GA books just aren't my thing. 😬🙅🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Mar 06, 2021 rated it liked it
3 1/2 stars. Overall, I enjoyed this book but it wasn't an amazing read. Good. Serviceable. I liked the college professor lead. Auggie is what he is I guess. Hopefully like some of this author's other series the characters will grow on me in the next installment.
Sep 19, 2020 rated it it was amazing

But actually I read this as a serial novel released in chapters via email April-June this year.
This story is set in Wahredua a town you will know well if you have read Greg's Hazard and Somerset books. But set before the events of that story and this time following two guys at Wroxall college. Theo, a disabled widower grad student and Auggie Lopez, a new student trying to move past his own self destructive past back in California.
When the two get caught


But actually I read this as a serial novel released in chapters via email April-June this year.
This story is set in Wahredua a town you will know well if you have read Greg's Hazard and Somerset books. But set before the events of that story and this time following two guys at Wroxall college. Theo, a disabled widower grad student and Auggie Lopez, a new student trying to move past his own self destructive past back in California.
When the two get caught up in the staging of a murder and suspicion lands on them they have to work together to prove their innocence by finding what's really been happening in this town. As they get closer to the truth the murders attention falls on them in a more directly threatening why and with suspicious people harassing both of them navigating the chemistry between them gets even more complicated.

Getting the daily chapter emails for this book was a saving grace in the early days of all the madness 2020 entailed and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole reading experience!
These two characters are brilliantly flawed and very engaging and the dynamic between them was sweet and messy, frustrating and hilarious! There are a few cameos for faces fans of H&S will know well and it was fun to see this same setting pre that series but it also absolutely is a separate entity.
The mystery was well passed and interesting (I definitely called a few of the twists/reveals in chapter chats but it was so fun to then have those guesses pay off as well as the ones I didn't see coming!)
The mains relationship certainly isn't a fast burn (not for lack of attraction) but life be like that sometimes and there are bigger things to worry about. As well as each character absolutely needing to sort themselves out some before anything stable could happen, but we are given hope for their slow burn future and the are an excellent duo to read!
It was by no means left as a happily ever after but what would you expect from a Gregory Ashe series fist book! And the underpinnings of the series as a whole are already very promising!
I cannot wait for the rest of the story! And we got confirmation that the second book in The First Quarto, YET A STRANGER, will be serialised via email starting this Wednesday, 10/14! We'll get a chapter every day until we finish! (I think there are 54 chapters.)! So no long waiting for the next instalment!

If you're a fan of the mystery genre but don't want to follow cops as your main characters then this book is absolutely a good one for you! Greg's characters and mysteries are so well thought out and developed and the romances are always worth the time it takes them to pay off!

Jackson Garton

Messy, messy. This book is messy. Not the plot or the writing, but the characters are MESSY as fuck.

...and I love them. SO MUCH. The best thing about Ashe is his ability to write about working class queers. There's so much trauma in this book. You know that from reading the blurb, but the alcohol and the knife in the fridge scenario and the stalking. Rip my heart out.

I know some folks are put off by age gaps, but I find nothing predatory about this relationship. In this case it


Messy, messy. This book is messy. Not the plot or the writing, but the characters are MESSY as fuck.

...and I love them. SO MUCH. The best thing about Ashe is his ability to write about working class queers. There's so much trauma in this book. You know that from reading the blurb, but the alcohol and the knife in the fridge scenario and the stalking. Rip my heart out.

I know some folks are put off by age gaps, but I find nothing predatory about this relationship. In this case it is absolutely the younger man pursuing the older, and the older pushing back against the attraction and instant connection.

I'm not going to lie...I rarely read Ashe for the mystery part. Don't get me wrong, I love a good who-dun-it, but I come for the gritty humor and the depth. This book doesn't seem as hard ass as his other books (please don't make it as rough as Hazard & Somers, I can't deal w that right now), but it's just as good and parts are SO tender that I had to pull my Kindle away because things were moving so fast and I wasn't ready for them to happen.


Spend the money, get the book, read the book in a weekend like I did, and preorder the one coming out on the 15th.


Update - 1/8/2021:

I just finished the audiobook and it was incredible. The narration & the story = flawless.

Dec 29, 2020 rated it it was amazing
This series is fast becoming my most favorite of Gregory Ashe's. I loved it!! Except the chemistry between Cart and Theo though. This series is fast becoming my most favorite of Gregory Ashe's. I loved it!! Except the chemistry between Cart and Theo though. ...more
Feb 27, 2022 rated it it was amazing
Full disclosure I read this book because I couldn't focus on the non GA book I had started and this was a way too slowly withdraw from Hazard and Somerset, a sort of gradual weaning if you will.
To the surprise of absolutely nobody this turned out to be fantastic and as a result I am now obsessed with Theo and Auggie *as well*
It's fine, I'll just have to accept that I will read Gregory Ashe books forever. Thank God he's a prolific author.

So, about this book. The set up of how Theo and Auggie are

Full disclosure I read this book because I couldn't focus on the non GA book I had started and this was a way too slowly withdraw from Hazard and Somerset, a sort of gradual weaning if you will.
To the surprise of absolutely nobody this turned out to be fantastic and as a result I am now obsessed with Theo and Auggie *as well*
It's fine, I'll just have to accept that I will read Gregory Ashe books forever. Thank God he's a prolific author.

So, about this book. The set up of how Theo and Auggie are involved in the mystery was a bit artificial to my taste and for a few chapters I thought I would finally prove to you all that I was objective when it comes to GA by rating one of his books a 4.
BUT then things happened, like the mystery really taking off, secondary characters interfering with our MCs relationship, and surprise visits from old H&S characters.
AND the two most adorable MCs ever written. Like I'd die for them. Each individually and as a couple, I can't express what they do to me.
No need to say that I jumped straight into book 2 "Yet a stranger", I'm already half way. Didn't even think about interrupting my reading to come and review here. But then I thought I owe it to the world... Don't miss out!

Terri Jones
Oct 26, 2020 rated it it was amazing
I meant to make this last a bit longer, so it would end a little closer to when book 2 comes out, but that couldn't happen. I abandoned all the other books to finish this one. It includes the first 3 chapters of book 2, and... Oh. Oh dear. Buy this one and preorder book 2. Be smart, like I wasn't! :D I meant to make this last a bit longer, so it would end a little closer to when book 2 comes out, but that couldn't happen. I abandoned all the other books to finish this one. It includes the first 3 chapters of book 2, and... Oh. Oh dear. Buy this one and preorder book 2. Be smart, like I wasn't! :D ...more
Aug 21, 2020 rated it it was amazing
For two months of the pandemic, the daily releases of the chapters of this were what I looked forward to most. I can't wait for the continuation of this series. For two months of the pandemic, the daily releases of the chapters of this were what I looked forward to most. I can't wait for the continuation of this series. ...more
Carol (bookish_notes)
Read this as part of the serial newsletter and just forgot to review it in full. This was an enjoyable story to read serialized? It's a mystery and in regular Gregory Ashe fashion, it has a sloooooow burn we love. This is also very sad?

My heart breaks for Theo. And Auggie is going through a lot too. I JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY.

One small critique is that the book says the Sleeping Beauty castle is in Disney World and that castle is actually in Disneyland while the WDW castle is the Cinderella

Read this as part of the serial newsletter and just forgot to review it in full. This was an enjoyable story to read serialized? It's a mystery and in regular Gregory Ashe fashion, it has a sloooooow burn we love. This is also very sad?

My heart breaks for Theo. And Auggie is going through a lot too. I JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY.

One small critique is that the book says the Sleeping Beauty castle is in Disney World and that castle is actually in Disneyland while the WDW castle is the Cinderella castle. As a Disney fan, I just felt like I had to point that out.

This book is historical one, in a way. It takes place before the Hazard and Somerset story starts and before Hazard arrives back in Wahredha. This story DOES spoil a big piece in the Hazard and Somerset story - like who's a dirty cop. But we do get to see a younger Somers here, so that was interesting.

Forgive me if I forgot some trigger warnings, but off the top of my head, warnings for homomisia, violence, forced coming out, drug use, underage drinking, and a loved one died before book starts.

Anna Lira C
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. 3.9 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Review in English:
Gregory has these stories that have a lot of bittersweet "scenes".

I like how he handles the mystery, but regarding Auggie and Theo's relationship, um, I don't know.

I feel pretty cold yet "love" (a little) for Auggie from Theo. I'm not one of those cheesy people who occupies affectionate scenes 24/7 but for me it's cold. I don't know if it's because of age difference but being honest I feel it has nothing to do with it .

I also feel quite helpless because I feel Auggi

3.9 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Review in English:
Gregory has these stories that have a lot of bittersweet "scenes".

I like how he handles the mystery, but regarding Auggie and Theo's relationship, um, I don't know.

I feel pretty cold yet "love" (a little) for Auggie from Theo. I'm not one of those cheesy people who occupies affectionate scenes 24/7 but for me it's cold. I don't know if it's because of age difference but being honest I feel it has nothing to do with it .

I also feel quite helpless because I feel Auggie gives more in the "relationship" .

Understood that Theo has issues but if you are not ready emotionally don't get into a relationship but well .

Somehow I feel appreciation for Theo

Reseña en español:

Gregory tiene estas historias que tienen un montón de "escenas" agridulces.
Me gusta cómo maneja el misterio, pero respecto a la relación de Auggie y Theo, um, no sé.

Siento bastante frialdad aunque "amor" (un poco) por Auggie por parte de Theo. No soy de esas personas cursis que ocupan escenas afectivas 24/7 pero para mí es frío. No sé si es por la diferencia de edad pero siendo sincera siento que no tiene nada que ver .
También me siento bastante impotente porque siento que Auggie da más en la "relación". Entiendo que Theo tiene problemas pero si no estás preparado emocionalmente no te metas en una relación pero bueno .

De alguna manera me siento aprecio por Theo.

Oct 03, 2021 rated it it was amazing
In which Gregory takes us to College!

Not just any college, you understand. This school just happens to be Wroxall College in (Pre-Hazard-and-Somerset) Doyle County, Missouri.

As can be expected from anything written by GA, our sojourn into the academic world is fraught with tragedy. Theo Dalton, a PhD candidate working in the English Department has just returned to work after a car crashed ravaged his body, killed his husband Ian, and left their daughter Lana with severe head injuries.

Auggie Lo

In which Gregory takes us to College!

Not just any college, you understand. This school just happens to be Wroxall College in (Pre-Hazard-and-Somerset) Doyle County, Missouri.

As can be expected from anything written by GA, our sojourn into the academic world is fraught with tragedy. Theo Dalton, a PhD candidate working in the English Department has just returned to work after a car crashed ravaged his body, killed his husband Ian, and left their daughter Lana with severe head injuries.

Auggie Lopez, is a freshman to struggles to balance his genuine desire to learn with keeping up the façade he presents to his Internet audience, who thinks he is straight.

Do either of these poor guys have the time or energy to solve a murder? Not a chance! Do they have a choice? Nope.

As with all of GA's characters, they climb into your heart and take up residence, and you want to smack them and hug them all at the same time. And when you read the last page, you sigh and get on Gregory's FB page and ask when he will tell you more about them.

Well done on this new series, Mr. Ashe!

A.L. Lester
Dec 09, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Another Hazard and Somerset-adjacent story from Gregory Ashe, set in the same town, on the university campus of Wroxhall. Auggie, an unhappy social media influencer looking for a new start and on the run from his sexuality and Theo, a recent widower, are thrown together in a murder investigation. As usual Ashe hits it out of the park.
I'm a long-time Midwesterner. I've lived in Chicago, Bloomington (IN), and Saint Louis, my current home. Aside from reading and writing (which take up a lot of my time), I'm an educator.

While I enjoy reading across many genres, my two main loves are mystery and speculative fiction. I used to keep a list of favorite books, but it changes so frequently that I've given up. I'm always looking for reco

I'm a long-time Midwesterner. I've lived in Chicago, Bloomington (IN), and Saint Louis, my current home. Aside from reading and writing (which take up a lot of my time), I'm an educator.

While I enjoy reading across many genres, my two main loves are mystery and speculative fiction. I used to keep a list of favorite books, but it changes so frequently that I've given up. I'm always looking for recommendations, though, so please drop me a line if you have something in mind!

My big goal right now is one day to be responsible enough to get a dog.


Other books in the series

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